Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is it me, or is it the Media?

Of late, I'm noticing that everything on the planet costs more, or is not spun in any positive light by the media. The Chicago CTA is about to get completey messed up, fare hikes, new budget, etc. Daley is raising the property taxes again. My medical bills have been ridiculous - even though we've got Blue Crass Bull Shithead, I'm regularly paying more to see the doctor and for any blood tests or other tests I've had (and lord knows I've had tests this year...)

Fruit and Veggies were on the news lately - they're not touring no, they actually cost more too.

Gasoline is still over 3 bucks, Oil is always at a record high. Even though Ethanol is not a viable solution for long term fuel replacement, we're still marching down a path with it - sort of...
Foreclosures are up, houses not selling, and home sales are really dropping.

My local coffee joints mutually raised their prices - both starbutts and pantera bread cost me more than a dime more for a small coffee, if I buy one at all.

Both my parents are getting jobs.

Google's stock is over $600, though. Somehow, that's a good thing.

That's my Andy Rooney commentary for the day.


diane303 said...


Anonymous said...

And just wait until Hilary gets into office. She will do everything in her power to give away more of every type of social service, and then we will pay more for everything so the government can pay for all the new handouts. I fear there are more tough times ahead!

Anonymous said...

Quit complaining. After all, you could live in Michigan. I understand Michigan is in a one-state recession.

BTW, we are looking at raising all of our prices at our little joint. Gotta' keep up with a higher mandatory minimum wage (High-schoolers around here get paid $7.15/hour by law) and sky-rocketing coffee costs. In fact, all our suppliers have raised their prices due to the cost of gas. Oh, and did I mention that our lovely governor just raised business taxes? It may be time to get out of this state!
