Monday, March 10, 2008

Just a day in the park

We're getting tired of the indoors. We want it to be warm, but it's not. So we suited up anyway, knowing a good portion of our family was enjoying warmth down south.


diane303 said...

Are you two going down there soon?

Even though we can't wait until it get warm, we don't look forward to our yard turning into a mud hole once everything thaws.

I sometimes wonder what little kids and dogs think of winter. I guess being so little makes Spring all that more a wonderful surprise.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you got out - and you didn't make Otto mop the house all day! He looks nice and warm, even though the weather isn't cooperating. And, it won't be long now and you will be in the warm weather. YEAH!!!

Anonymous said...

That pic of Otto is awesome! I think I would frame it and put it over my fireplace:)

Stay Warm,

P said...

we don't have a fireplace :(.

otto did the mopping on his own. he will not let you mop or sweep unless he gets one, too, and there's always the chance that he'd prefer your equipment over his.