Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Run vs. Chubby Hubby

So my mom unknowingly sent me on a mission: to determine how far my runs will need to be offset my chubby hubby intake. (RUN=CHOFFSET VALUE)

If you take a look here, you'll see that the Hubbie's serving size is a measly 1/2 cup, of which there are 4 serving sizes, or 2 cups in the pint. Unfortunately I can easily put down a whole pint, but traditionally sink a half pint in one sitting. Doing the unpleasant math, that means I gulp down nearly 700 calories and 40grams of fat. Double that and you see why I've required tums late night...

What all this means, is that I have to either hit the pavement (or treadmill) at 6.0mph for 55 minutes. That's pretty much a six mile run, of which I've yet to accomplish in one workout in years. Yikes.

I've had to settle for these for now, but they only require a 7 minute run. Not so bad...

Might be scary to require an "Exercise Offset" on the Nutrition Facts. There doing it with Carbon, why not?


Dina said...

i don't even want to know the calories and fat grams of the 2 slices of cheese cake i gulped down a few weeks ago.
the Healthy Choice bars are no where as fun as the chubby hubby.

diane303 said...

Boy. I agree. I would rather have a 1/2 cup of chubby hubby than one of those bars - or find something equally scrumptious with less fat and calories (maybe a couple of tablespoons of Chubby Hubby over strawberries).